Artist Statement

Ne odustati od sna.

Od rođenja živim u malom prekrasnom gradiću, nalik bajci u Opatiji, smještenom u Hrvatskom primorju u Hrvatskoj. Djetinjstvo sam provela s bakom i djedom koji su me uvijek bodrili, djed da čitam, a baka je htjela da sviram glasovir, pohađam balet i recitacije. Sve sam to poslušno pohađala, ali najsretnija sam bila crtajući s mojim bojicama. Moja želja bila je pohađati likovnu akademiju, ali je nikada nisam uspjela upisati.

Da skratim priču, eto kako sam na kraju realizirala moj životni san.

Jednog dana moja majka donijela mi je članak iz novina o novo otvorenom studiju industrijskog dizajna i umjetnosti na arhitekturi u Veneciji, jer je znala da me to zanima. Članak sam s interesom pročitala i spremila ga u jednu ladicu, jer u tom trenutku moj život bio je ispunjen drugim obavezama.

Nakon izvjesnog vremena nešto mi je trebalo iz ladice u kojoj je bio spremljen novinski članak o studiju dizajna. Slučajno sam uhvatila kovertu iz koje je ispao na pod novinski članak. Taj trenutak promijenio mi je život. Upisala sam studij industrijskog dizajna u Veneciji i ono o čemu sam sanjala počela je biti stvarnost.

Usprkos zaprekama i problemima u životu, ne odustati od sna jer on se uvijek ostvari.

Don’t give up on your dreams.

Since I was born, I lived in a small, beautiful, fairytale-like town, Opatija, situated on the Croatian coast. I spent my childhood with my Grandmother and Grandfather who were always very supportive. My Grandfather had always encouraged me in reading and my Grandmother in piano playing, in attending ballet lessons and practicing recitations. I dutifully attended all the courses, but the happiest I was when I was drawing with my colored pencils. My life’s wish was to attend the Art Academy, but I didn’t succeed. 

To make the story shorter, this is how my life’s dream, after all, did become truth.

One day, my mother, knowing I was always interested in that, brought me a newspaper article about a newly-opened university course in industrial design and art in the School of Architecture, University of Venice. Although I read the article with the highest interest, I put it in a drawer, since my life at that moment was full of other duties.

After a while I was looking for something in my drawer, and suddenly the article about the course in industrial design fell out. That was the moment when my life changed. I started the Course in Industrial Design in Venice and all I was dreaming about started to become reality.

Despite all the obstacles and problems in life, don’t ever give up on your dream, it always becomes reality.

Sonja Jurkovic | Artist from Opatija © 2019 Sonja Jurkovic

DOMA Trading is fortunate to carry a line of Sonja’s designs, which we are currently offering in throw pillows. Inspired by historical and traditional objects from around the world, and informed by her education in industrial design in Italy, Sonja uses her own unique style to create new works of art to be enjoyed every day.

All products are printed and hand-sewn in the US or Mexico, and shipped direct from the US to US addresses.